Thursday, July 21, 2016

Here is why Mahnoor Baloch looks young at 46 and you don’t

LAHORE (Web Desk) – Pakistani actress Mahnoor Baloch has practically vindicated the quote “Age is just a number” as her latest pictures revealed that she refuses to age.

The actress in her late 40’s did not shy sharing the secret behind her youthful looks with the audience through Dawn Images.

The million dollar beauty tips by Mahnoor are as under:

Wrinkles put a stop to fresh looks and regarding wrinkle-free skin the actress urged beauty conscious faction to always cleanse and moisturise before going to bed. Moreover, sunblock is a must.

Human body is made up of minerals and most importantly water, although water is much necessary for a fair look but Mahnoor adds supplements to her diet as well.

“Drinking plenty of water, having health supplements, and working out at least 30 mins a day, 5 days a week. she said.

Some of the supplements she takes are Ester-C, alpha-lipoic acid,


magnesium and salmon oil.

Lastly, make your diet, right is the opinion of the model if one aspires to look young.

“I’ve cut out sugar, wheat, and processed foods from my diet,” reveals Baloch.

Her breakfast includes a vegetable omelette, coupled with yogurt and a brown rice roti, followed by a lunch consisting of chicken, veggies with brown rice roti or brown rice. She recommends using coconut oil in food and quinoa.